Sunday, January 23, 2011

B Hepatitis Herbal Medicine | alternative medicine for Hepatitis

B Hepatitis Herbal Medicine | alternative medicine for Hepatitis

hepatitis b herbal medicines

Perfect solution for safe and efficacious to overcome and heal at the same time treat hepatitis B through the best herbal treatment for Hepatitis B illness with herbal jelly gamat-g gold.

Why Gold Gamat Jelly herbal medicine or herbal remedy hepatitis G b another name for sea cucumber jelly herbal medicine can cure gamat gold G hepatitis b? ... ... ... "According to Doctor Hariadi contacted Poster explaining the content of collagen in sea cucumbers have the ability to cure hepatitis- B quickly. That is because the sea cucumbers are able to regenerate cells briefly. According to the doctor graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Diponegoro, gamat an organic supplement. Therefore, the absorption in the body of any better place and not cause side effects.

The same thing is explained Dr. Merlyn in Surabaya. Hepatitis is caused by a virus within 6 months after the acute infection. If allowed up to 6 months later became chronic. Virus into liver cells and liver cells are gradually destroying it. Gamat help improve liver function indirectly. Moreover, supported by nutritious food and adequate rest, making the proliferation of the virus can be prevented.

Hepatitis virus that has been lost thanks to Gamat
Trubus online sources Edition: Sunday, July 2, 2006 17:07:11

Ady Wiwiek Pramesti never thought of busy working bringing pain. At first he considered heartburn a few times to attack are common diseases. So tall woman was never checked by a doctor. After all, only by consuming the drugs are sold freely in pharmacies, suffering can be overcome.

One afternoon in mid-March 1997, following the company meeting Wiwiek middle. Suddenly a boy's mother threw her hands into the solar plexus. Heartburn pain felt torn apart, recalls Wiwiek. Not only that, the body becomes limp along Wiwiek stomach nausea, bloating, fever, joint pain, and swelling in the upper right abdomen became increasingly. By friends sekantornya he immediately rushed to a nearby hospital in Surabaya, East Java.

Wiwiek amazement when he suffered a medical expert sentenced Hepatitis-B. It was evident a week later the main symptoms of hepatitis-B: the whites of the eyes and skin appear yellow throughout the body, as well as tea-colored urine.

Try the herbal

Hospitalization for a full month had lived Wiwiek. The drugs are prescribed must also be swallowed. In order to accelerate healing, Wiwiek routine therapy. Unfortunately, the results have not been up. Feeling tired, fatigued, and lethargic often menyambanginya. Although less effective and cause side effects, 22 April 1957 the birth mother could not resist the intake of prescribed drugs. If not, the risk of frequent nausea, chills, and aches have received.

However, over time Wiwiek bored mengasup drugs that effect was nausea until limp. In the confusion, he decided to seek healing through alternative pathways. Reflexology is an expert in the village of Banyuwangi, East Java, the first choice. 3 times a week he regularly come to Banyuwangi.

Like throwing marbles to the bottom of the lake, the waves slowly disappearing. However, the marbles still remain in it. Similarly Wiwiek effort to restore health. After the massage, the body becomes prime condition. Body so tough, but the virus still in there, he said. Later he hooked on herbs offered sekantornya friends. Herbs in powder form was derived from ginger rhizome. Ginger boiled in two cups water to boil and just one glass. Decoction of ginger in the drink 3 cups per day. The results, from month to month he felt the change. His health improved dramatically. Improved his endurance, but are reluctant to run away hepatitis virus from the body.

Thanks gamat

Side by side with the disease is not a pleasant option. Nine years as a carrier of hepatitis Wiwiek lived. During that time his life seemed meaningless. Therefore, Wiwiek always trying to find a cure. Sometime in late September 2005 he met with his old colleagues in Semarang. From there his acquaintance with gamat-called sea cucumbers in Malaysia-originated. Since then Wiwiek gamat consume regularly.

Wiwiek sure the choice was not missed time. He sipped gamat 1-2 tablespoons three times a day without his consumption of other drugs. Within weeks her condition grew prime. The spirit of the move was overwhelming. Beginning in May 2006, a bright dot of healing began to look in her eyes was 49 years. The test results SGPT (serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase) in the normal range of 15-17 IU and SGOT (serum glutamic transaminase Oxaloacetic) was stable in the figure went 17-20 IU.

Similarly, the test virus / antivirus. Hepatitis virus in her body had been destroyed alias declared negative. Less certain, laboratory tests elsewhere had acted. Seemed to get a miracle, Wiwiek get similar results. No wonder if consumption remains gamat done as an act of gratitude.

Doctor prescribed

The story of the healing Wiwiek Pramesti Ady was a necessity. Doctors are calling Hariadi Poster explaining the content of collagen in sea cucumbers have the ability to cure hepatitis-B quickly. That is because the sea cucumbers are able to regenerate cells briefly. According to the doctor graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Diponegoro, gamat an organic supplement. Therefore, the absorption in the body of any better place and not cause side effects.

The same thing is explained Dr. Merlyn in Surabaya. Hepatitis is caused by a virus within 6 months after the acute infection. If allowed up to 6 months later became chronic. Virus into liver cells and liver cells are gradually destroying it. Gamat help improve liver function indirectly. Moreover, supported by nutritious food and adequate rest, making the proliferation of the virus can be prevented.

So, if there are drugs that can inhibit viral replication process is highly recommended, said Merlyn. During this time the medical world knows that interferon improve liver function. Although in the field of interferon can reduce the suffering caused by the hepatitis-B by 40%, but its ability to destroy the virus is still small.

Gamat Efficacy was remarkable. The content of marine animals Echinodermata fi yet it is effective to prevent or even eliminate the presence of viral pathogens. Various physician's examination of empirical evidence reinforces efficacy gamat quell viral hepatitis who experienced Wiwiek Pramesti Ady. No wonder if the doctor agreed to prescribe it. Chant cure hepatitis patients also seemed to find a new backrest, the miracle healer of sea cucumber jelly ... ...
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