Thursday, December 23, 2010

Gamat History and Research Gold-G-G Jelly Gamat Gold

Gamat History and Research Gold-G-G Jelly Gamat Gold

A. History Gamat

Gold-G Sea Cucumber in everyday terms is called Gold or Sea Cucumber Cucumber / Gamat is food that comes from the sea in Asia (Langkawi Island, Malaysia).

Privileges Gold-G compared Sea Cucumber Sea Cucumber in general: It is a species selected from the 1000 species of sea cucumbers in the world. This type of species selected has a golden color (golden) and a history dating back hundreds of years ago has proven the benefits and efficacy of this sea cucumber for a variety of health and beauty problems.

Sea cucumbers are animals contain mucus that smells unpleasant, but it has extraordinary properties. Modern technology has eliminated the unpleasant scent of cucumber water and purify the gold produced.

Use of Sea Cucumber Jelly gamat gold as a traditional antiseptic and versatile drug has been known since 300 years ago on the island of Langkawi, which is a small island in the Malay peninsula. Typically, Air Sea Cucumber drunk to women after childbirth to stop bleeding and promote wound healing circumcision on boys Langkawi Island people. Sea Cucumber water is still traditionally processed so that it has drawbacks, such as the color is not attractive, and smells.

Currently, the factory GnE have found high-tech treatment that produces Sea Cucumber Sea Cucumber products (Gold-G Sea Cucumber Jelly) quality, colored clear and odorless, and does not reduce the efficacy and nutrient content contained therein.

B. Research Gamat

Study in China revealed that the Sea Cucumber also contains saponin glycosides. This component has a structure similar to the active components of ginseng, ganoderma, and tonic herbs are well known. Chinese studies indicate the presence of anti-cancer in saponins and polysaccharides contained in the Sea Cucumber. These modern studies prove that the Sea Cucumber can be used as a tonic and nutritional supplements.
In a study conducted in a modern way that Sea Cucumber has proved beneficial for musculoskeletal inflammatory diseases, particularly rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis, a rheumatic disease that affects the spine.
In medical research, lectins have been found to have therapeutic effects on the Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV). The results of laboratory tests using lymphoid cells, suggesting that the plant lectin known as jacalin, are perfectly able to block the HIV virus. Besides its ability to agglutinate cells are very dangerous, lectins also serves as an indicator of a tumor.
Savor Sea Cucumber has been investigated by scientists around the world. Research conducted at the University of Malaysia for 8 years showed that the Sea Cucumber can improve blood circulation in the body, preventing clogging cholesterol in blood vessels, smooth kidney function, increased levels of metabolism, helps arthritis, diabetes mellitus and hypertensive disease and accelerate healing of wounds, both external wounds and internal injuries.

Based on the results of research in various universities around the world, it was found that sea cucumbers are very efficacious as the right solution to overcome various diseases as well as useful as traditional antiseptic.

From these studies proved that the sea cucumber / gamat contain "Cell Growth Factor" (cell regeneration factor) so as to stimulate the regeneration / recovery of cells and tissues that have been damaged / sick even rot, so that being healthy / recover. Examples are easy for example in cases of diabetes mellitus. Besides drinking, gamat also applied to the wounds that had rotted, even almost amputated. Apparently, "Cell Growth Factor" able to work well so that the wound be recovered quickly.

According Dr.Ir.M. Ahkam Subroto, M.App.Sc., Researcher Bioteknolog LIPI, the high protein content in sea cucumbers that reach 82%, either given to patients with diabetes mellitus penyaki. High protein plays regenerate pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin. The result, increased insulin production. (Poster 441, August 2006, page 109).

On the island of Langkawi, Malaysia, the famous sea cucumbers as a cure for joint pain caused by uric acid. To the Poster, nutritionist Walter Kee Mun Yee graduated from Wisconsin University told sea cucumbers contain chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine.
Kondritin sulfate plays restore joint disease. While the substance antithrombogenik glukosaminoglikan facilitating the circulation of blood to clot. In people with gout, the amount of glucosamine and kondritin bit.

Research Dr. Kurk Mittchell of Biomedical Revitalization Center, New York, United States, indicates efficacious sea cucumbers improve physical health for 70% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis caused by uric acid. This is due to glucosamine stimulates the body to secrete synovial fluid for joint lubrication. According to Dr. Zen Djaja MD, physician in Malang, East Java, wildlife Holothuriidae family members that contain fatty acids 12-MTA alias metthyltetradecanoic acid. (Poster, Friday, October 10, 2008 07:14:12)

Subject cucumbers lessening the cholesterol content evidenced by Hsi-Hsien Liu. Researcher National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan, it examined the effects of fat reduction hypolipidemic alias because compounds glycosaminoglycan. The compound was contained in Metriatyla scabra sea cucumber. Glycosaminoglycan aka sea cucumber GAGs and heksuronat heksosamin acidic. Subsequent experiments carried out on Winstar rats weighing 5 g, 10 g, 15 g and 20 g. The rats were given 1% cholesterol for 6 weeks so that the total cholesterol, LDL, and increased liver weights. (Poster, Friday, February 1, 2008 15:44:25)

Gamat Efficacy was remarkable. The content of marine animal phylum Echinodermata that effectively prevent or even eliminate the presence of viral pathogens. Various physician's examination of empirical evidence reinforces efficacy gamat suppress viral hepatitis experienced disease Wiwiek Pramesti Ady. No wonder if the doctor agreed to prescribe it. Chant cure hepatitis patients also seemed to find a new backrest, the miracle healer of sea cucumbers (Poster, Issue: Sunday, July 2, 2006 17:07:11)

Efficacy of sea cucumbers to overcome because of suspected heart disease docosahexanat acid content (DHA) on sea cucumbers. DHA intake of essential fatty acids in the sperm, brain, and retina of the eye-can lower high blood triglycerides cause heart disease. It has been demonstrated Prof. Zaiton Hassan, researchers from the Department of Food Science, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. With M. A Kaswandi, of the University Kebangsaan Malaysia, he examined the fatty acid content of sea cucumber Stichopus chloronotus. The result: a relatively high content of DHA sea cucumber, which is 3.69%. (Poster, Issue: Sunday, July 2, 2006 17:12:52).

How do cucumbers help the healing process? At the University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Prof. Ridzwan Hashim find valid evidence, sea cucumber Holothuria atra, H. scabra, and Bohadshia argus antibacterial effect. Streptococcus faecalis bacteria cause inflammation of the lining of the heart, S. varidasns damaging heart valves, S. pneumoniae causes pneumonia and acute sinusitis, meningitis causes Staphyloccus aureus, and Proteus mirabilis penginfeksi wounds, powerful eradicated in other words, sea cucumber sea cucumber as the best solution to be made in a solution to overcome the disease pneumonia, acute sinusitis and coronary heart disease.

Safe and Halal Consumed

This product is also safe for consumption (including for children). Besides naturally, also has been awarded:
HALAL certificate from Malaysia: JAKIM (22.00) / 492/2/1 010-10/2004.
Recommendation (Certificate) POM RI 234 201 001 307 ML.
Recommendations from the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) dated October 11, 2003 (its kind of the Department of Health Government of Singapore).

Recognition of World:

U.S. FDA classifies as a gold Tripang FOOD GRADE
In Australia, has been developed to assist the treatment of AIDS & HIV.
In Melbourne, used as a unique source of protein.
In Malaysia and Thailand used traditionally as an antiseptic and treatment very day.
In Australia & America, Sea Cucumber extract is useful as a drug for athletes, as well as supplements for: joint pain, rheumatism, osteo-arthritis.
In Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, and Brunei) Sea Cucumber more than 500 years ago has been used for tonic and traditional medicine.
In China, Japan, and Korea, Sea Cucumber is used as food and dishes from the nobility.
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