Thursday, December 23, 2010

Stroke | Stroke Disease Herbal Medicine

Stroke | Stroke Disease Herbal Medicine

Stroke at a glance information about the disease and how herbal remedies where gamat Gold Jelly-g is able to treat or cure the disease completely setroke.

Stroke (English: stroke, cerebrovascular accident, CVA) is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to a part of the brain is suddenly interrupted. In brain tissue, the lack of blood flow causes a series of biochemical reactions, which can damage or kill nerve cells in the brain. Death of brain tissue can cause loss of function that is controlled by the network. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States and many industrialized countries in Europe (Jauch, 2005). When can be saved, sometimes patients experience paralysis in limbs, loss of memory or speech. In recent years more and more popular the term brain attack. This term corresponds to the term that is well known, "heart attack".

Srtoke divided into two, namely:

Hemorrhagic Stroke

In Hemorrhagic stroke, ruptured blood vessels thereby inhibiting the normal flow of blood and blood seeps into the region in the brain and damage it. Bleeding can occur in all parts of the brain such as caudate putamen; thalamus; hippocampus; frontal, parietal, and occipital cortex; hypothalamus; suprachiasmatic area; cerebellum; pons, and hemorrhagic stroke midbrain.Hampir percent of cases attacking people with hypertension.

Hemorrhagic strokes are divided into subtypes intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), cerebral venous thrombosis, and spinal cord stroke.ICH further divided into parenchymal hemorrhage, hemorrhagic infarction and punctate hemorrhage.

Ischemic Stroke

In ischemic stroke, blockage can occur in arteries along the path leading to the brain. Blood to the brain is supplied by two internal carotid arteries and two vertebral arteries. These arteries are branches of the aortic arch of the heart (aortic arch)

Gold-g jelly Gamat Able to Overcome Stroke

The real story of the magazine Poster Edition: Sunday, July 2, 2006 17: 27: 04, Reports Malaysia

Thirty days have Rudiyan Lis body lying in the intensive care unit (ICU) of a major hospital in Semarang, Central Java. He was comatose. Bleeding stroke due to hypertension-blood pressure 200/120 mmHg, forcing women to 42 years were hospitalized 1.5 months. Once the hand is able to move, Lis was transferred from the ICU to the ward. At her sister's room, secretly gave the gastric tube cucumber extract, sort of a tube inserted into the nostril and into the stomach. His brother, Ade Nurmaya, who happens to doctors knew very well the risk of bleeding strokes.

Stroke patients bleeding may live only 5%, says Dr. Ade Nurmaya who practice in Getasan, Quezon City, approximately 1.5 hours drive from Semarang. Unbeknownst to the treating physician, Ade gives 1 tablespoon cucumber extract three times daily to the Lis. Extracts were routinely given an hour before meals. Why Ade Nurmaya provide sea cucumber extract? Do not let the brother recovered, but the power of thought to decline. Paralyzed due to stroke can be cured. However, if the memory is corrupted hard restored. I also wanted to prove what is true of sea cucumbers could cure stroke as written Trubus? said the woman was 38 years.

At the March 2006 issue of the magazine you are writing the efficacy of sea cucumbers, among others heal stroke. A few weeks after being given a sea cucumber extract, Lis sober. Extended family happiness bubbling. Even more encouraging his memory as before, not diminished one bit. Ever bezuk friend, employee Taspen Semarang remember exactly leave the rest. Speech is good, the doctor said it's an alumnus of the University of Diponegoro.

Trubus prove it when speaking directly with Lis Rudiyan. In fact, bleeding occurs in the cerebrospinal (space in the middle of the brain) and settles almost to the brainstem such as deceased experienced Sukma Ayu. Sea cucumber extract enough to help overcome a stroke. For patients with stroke, brain hemorrhage urged sideways so that the tissue is damaged, he said. Proteins that contained urchins grow new cells in the brain and regenerate dead tissue so that memory can function properly.

(Sardi Duryatmo / Covering: Hermansyah, Imam Wiguna, Kiki Riazkika, Syalita Fawnia, & Vina Fitriani).
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