Prostate | Prostate Disease Herbal Medicine
by admin on October 28, 2011
The following is information about prostate disease herbal treatment, using herbal medicines xamthone plus a safe and effective in treating and curing prostate disease.
Information on Prostate Disease:
Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the prostate gland. This disease prostatbiasa traditional medicine for the disease in men aged over 50 years and in all men aged over 90 years. Prostate cancer is rarely found in men aged less than 40 tahun.Kanker prostate is the leading cause of cancer deaths in men and no 3 is the leading cause of cancer deaths in men over 74 years. The cause is unknown, although several studies have shown an association between high-fat diets and increased levels of testosterone.
Symptoms of Prostate Disease
Most prostate cancers do not cause symptoms because of its spread is very slow. In some cases, newly diagnosed prostate cancer after spread to the bones (particularly the pelvic bones, ribs and spine) or to the kidneys (causing kidney failure). Painful bone cancer and brittle bones become so easy to experience a fracture (broken bone).
Although the early symptoms are not obvious, in most patients with prostate cancer often found some of the signs. Among other things, usually water still dripping urine, pain when urinating, pain during ejaculation, lower back pain, pain during bowel movements, and weight loss.
Why can xamthone plus Treating Prostate Disease?
Composition xamthone Plus Mangosteen Juice (whole fruit mangosteen section), Roselle Flowers, Apples, traditional medicine healers prostatAnggur cancer, Preservatives used pure honey that is free from chemicals
Manufactured by: PT Inti Tips Nature of Contents: 350 ml - 11.84 fl.oz POM TR 083 691 231 Registered in MUI No: 00120051100709
Where there are substances in mangosteen xantone, which in the know as the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents and antibiotics can be strong as well.
As we know, the general problem of prostate enlargement is caused residual urine which does not come out perfectly.
Xamthone Plus works to combat diseases of the prostate gland in three ways.
antibiotic properties of the mangosteen will work to reduce and eventually eliminate the infection from traces of urine in the body.
Second, anti-inflammatory properties in xamthone plus working to shrink the gland is enlarged. Xantone substances contained in the Mangosteen provides total support to the body so that you can recover more quickly while reducing the risk of prostate cancer re-infection
As another important anti-bacterial ability of xanthoen is mematiakn bacteria. Several studies on the benefits of xanthone compounds showed that xanthones have anti-microbial against MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococus Aures), ie bacteria that have been resistant to antibiotic drugs that can cause infection farah (Source: Fierce mangosteen to quell the disease, page 61, Authorship . Raffi Paramawati, MSi)
Do not Let You and Your Family Suffers Due to Prostate!
Best and Safe Solution To Treat Prostate Disease Using Medicinal Herbs plus xamthone
Consider the story of recovering from Prostate Disease
Cured after drinking xamthone Plus is a remarkable thing experienced by H. Abdul Fatah (67) from Falkirk, West Java. "I feel grateful thank God for prostate cancer and bladder infection that I suffered has now recovered thanks to xamthone Plus. I never thought, because so far I have been seeing everywhere. To a hospital in Karachi, Bandung, Jakarta, everything can not help. Now I am completely healthy, reporters could see my father's, my physical condition bagaiamana healthy are you? "Said Mr. Haji told reporters USB News.
During the first month of taking xamthone Haji Pak Plus with a dose equivalent to 6 tablespoons or 30 ml. Is usually taken before meals every morning noon and night. "Based on my experience with other herbal products, during the month let alone cured, perubahanpun not exist," Pak Haji beber known philanthropist in this village. Financially, Mr. Hajj was not lacking, he has dozens of hectares of rice fields.
"I've had a lot of fields, houses, inheritance and property, but there's no point if my health is often disturbed or problematic. I have suffered from these diseases strike. That's life, when we are healthy and will not forget it's health then God will remind us to provide these diseases, of course, with all kinds of antidote. For my illness, God has given bidders namely xamthone Plus, "the story of one of his prominent in this village.
As time passed, Pak Haji's health continues to experience tremendous change. Condition continued to fit it though arguably at the age of the elderly. From the beginning to the healing of disease Pak Haji has spent 12 bottles xamthone Plus and now he is still drinking xamthone Plus once a day. "Why else would I keep a treasure a lot, now I want to enjoy life more happy, healthy and long life," his determination.
The spirit of live H. Abdul has returned after taking xamthone Plus and recovered from the illness which killed him too after consuming beverages from premium grade leather and fruit Mangosteen Plus xamthone this. Everything is very clear, the fact that no longer terbantakan H. Abdul was a very happy today because she has hope and encouragement to live 1000 years. Powerful.