Saturday, December 25, 2010

Alternative Medicines Cholesterol | Natural Cholesterol Treatment

Alternative Medicines Cholesterol | Natural Cholesterol Treatment


Perfect solution for safe and efficacious to overcome and treat cholesterol as well cure diseases through the best herbal treatment for the disease with traditional medicinal jelly cholesterol gamat-g gold.

Disease is a metabolite of cholesterol-containing fatty sterols (English: waxy steroid) found in cell membranes and circulated in the blood plasma. Is a kind of lipid which is a molecule of fat or the like it. Cholesterol is a special type of lipid called steroids. Steroids are lipids that have a special chemical structure. This structure consists of four ring atoms karbon.Untuk bookings click ordering.

High levels of cholesterol in the body to trigger the emergence of various diseases. Healthy eating is a major factor To avoid this. However, not all cholesterol is bad for the body. Only the category of LDL cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein) are the bad type of cholesterol while HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol is the bad cholesterol that can dissolve in the body. The normal range of cholesterol in the body is 160-200 mg. (Source wikipedia Indonesia)

Alternatives for lowering cholesterol levels with traditional medicine gamat gold g

Subject cucumbers lessening the cholesterol content evidenced by Hsi-Hsien Liu. Researcher National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan, it examined the effects of fat reduction hypolipidemic alias because compounds glycosaminoglycan. The compound was contained in Metriatyla scabra sea cucumber. Glycosaminoglycan aka sea cucumber GAGs and heksuronat heksosamin acidic. Subsequent experiments carried out on Winstar rats weighing 5 g, 10 g, 15 g and 20 g. The rats were given 1% cholesterol for 6 weeks so that the total cholesterol, LDL, and increased liver weights.

Then the rats were given 20 mg per kg of body weight glycosaminoglycan. The effect of total cholesterol, LDL and atherogenik index falls; HDL increased. Besides GAGs proven to prevent an increase in triglycerides, cholesterol and phospholipids in the liver. Sterols found in sea cucumbers also lowers cholesterol. Substances that block absorption of cholesterol in human blood vessels as much as 15%.

Besides trepang, regular consumption of avocados to prevent an increase in cholesterol. Persea americana fruit is rich in antioxidants that prevent skyrocketing cholesterol. Other vegetable material, onion and garlic have active compound ajoene, anti-cholesterol that prevents blood clotting. Both vegetable seasonings that's one option to cope with the soaring cholesterol. A few cloves of bulbs Liliaceae family member that can be eaten fresh. 'Two cloves of garlic every day, keep the body from bad cholesterol,' says Luke Tersonoadji, herbalist at Tangerang. (Vina Fitriani) Poster, Friday, February 1, 2008 15:44:25

The true story of g gold gamat consumption of high cholesterol cure

Cholesterol and Acne was Gone

Name: Dhyah Radina Retna D
Age: 41 Year
Address: Lampung
Complaints: Cholesterol and Acne
Type Prodak: 1 Month Gold-G

As an employee, I often assigned to meet with outsiders in supporting office operations, including the luncheon / dinner. This is why I am prone to acne and even cholesterol Until one day I was introduced by Gold-G products.

Besides I drink, Gold-G also apply on my face. Within a month, my cholesterol checked and the result was normal and acne does not arise again. Surprise her again, my friends say my face is more radiant and younger ... plus I am more stamina in order berolahraga.Untuk click ordering.

My Freedom from Hiperkolesterlemia with gold gamat G Name: dr. Luki Astrid Faiza
Age: 26 Year
Address: Field
Complaints: High Cholesterol
Prodak Type: Gold G sea cucumber 4 months

Dr. Astrid Luki
Gold G Know before sea cucumber, I often feel numb-numb in my body and limbs stiff in the neck so that if you eat very little fat can be felt immediately the complaint. After I eat sea cucumber prodak gold g for 4 months, the complaint hilang.Untuk bookings click ordering.

Laboratory Results
Before Consumption: CT = 258 (total cholesterol)
After Consumption: CT = 185

Similarly, information about herbal medicine or traditional medicine cholesterol Cholesterol jelly-g gold gamat this may be useful,
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