Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tipes | Herbal Medicine Diseases typhoid

Tipes | Herbal Medicine Diseases typhoid

Mation about the disease typhoid herbal medicine using Herbal Jelly Gamat-g gold that potent and efficacious in treating diseases typhoid and safe because it does not cause negative side effects on the body.

Typhoid is a bacterial infectious disease in the small intestine and occasionally in blood flow caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi or Salmonella paratyphi A, B and C, but this can also cause gastroenteritis (food poisoning) and septicemia (not attacking the intestines).

Bacteria typhoid fever (S. typhi) causes life-threatening illness known as typhoid fever, where the sick tipes hover around 21.5 million people each year. As noted earlier, typhoid is a disease that is commonly known in developing countries. This is because typhoid is a disease that is highly dependent of sanitation and environmental hygiene. A person can be infected with typhoid when eating food or drinking beverages that have been contaminated by an infected person or if a previous typhoid waste contaminated with the bacteria used for drinking or washing food.

Listen Recovers from Illness tipes Thanks to Jelly Gamat Gold-g

N a m a: Mahmudin
U m u r: 35 years
Address: Tangerang
Complaint: Pain typhoid, high fever, flu / colds
Product Type: Gold-G

My son is 2.5 years old had high fever. Indeed, if given a fever-reducing drink, the heat to be down, but a moment later, his body heat up again. The trouble again, he would not fitted with Bio Necklace. If a neck collar fitted, he tugged at the request removed.

Afraid that if exposed to Dengue Fever (DHF), I take it to the doctor to check for blood. Blood tests show if the child tested positive for typhoid. Then told to take antibiotics. Although already finished two bottles of antibiotics, the pain has not healed, his body heat

Because of anxiety, I take it back to the doctor to check for blood. Apparently sick tipesnya not healed (though it was given to drink 2 bottles of antibiotics). Then the doctor gave antibiotok another bottle. I felt sorry for the child if you have to take antibiotics constantly. I decided to not drink at all anti-biotic that third bottle. Instead, I give drink Jelly Gamat Gold-G alone without the other.

Apparently, once the new drink, the heat down, and that makes me grateful again, a runny nose caused by colds, to be healed. Such as colds go away.

Apparently, not only the child who pileknya healed. His brother who was only 6 years was pileknya cured. No longer runny nose. When only given to drink Gold-G Jelly Gamat once saja.Untuk bookings click how to order

Now, to maintain health, my Jelly Drinks Gamat Gold-G every day. I know exactly when the protein content is high enough.

It's Not Hot Lowering Drug Use Again

For those of you who have small children, must be prepared at home febrifuge. And certainly the drug is a chemical drug. Before you get acquainted with the extract of sea cucumber / gamat named Gold-G Jelly Gamat this, I'm pretty wasteful with febrifuge.

Known, my son three men all, still small. If one had a fever, almost certainly, others will be infected (alternate). Although food and drinks are always maintained, because they lived one house, it is difficult to be prevented so as not infected.

Each affected heat, whether by day or night, the first step is to drink a febrifuge. If the heat does not go down, just taken to the doctor, and certainly will be given antibiotics.

Alhamdulillah, since acquainted with Gold-G Jelly Gamat, I was not using chemical febrifuge again. Simply by giving the drink a tablespoon of Jelly Gamat Gold-G to my child, and wait some time (hours), the heat will go down. Gold-G Jelly Gamat very safe for all ages, as a natural remedy and contains a high enough nutrients.
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